I'm typing these words into my Clié while riding the Yamanote, the looping train line that encircles downtown Tokyo. I'm on my way back from my very first Japanese class, racing to make my 1:20pm late shift at Nova. By my calculations, I should arrive with about five minutes to spare.
Signing up with Amica was the Right Thing To Do. It's great that I'm going to try to prod my atrocious Japanese skills into shape, but more significant, I think, is the fact that I'll now have to travel into the heart of the metropolis twice a week. Not as a tourist, you understand, but as just another harried guy in a suit, trying to squeeze a few more activities into his day. There's no better way to suck all the indimidation out of a place, if you ask me. Even a place like Tokyo.
Well, this is my stop. Gotta go.
Hi Mike,
Your wit is still fresh even when you're distracted. Anyone needing a dose of Stamm, just do a Google search for "Ominous Wall Unit of Doom" and you'll find several sites where his legendary craigslist post has been immortalized.
I knew I should have copyrighted that Craigslist posting. I could be rich on royalties by now.
(For the lazy: the link she's referring to is http://depthofzot.com/wall_unit.html .)
Nice to hear from ya, Mary. I hope L.A.'s treating you better than Tokyo's treating me. Give yourself a hug for me, and do send me that song, won't you? It's lonely and quiet out here.
heya mike--
glad to hear you're adapting-- can't wait to hear your new language skills- even though i won't have a clue what you're saying-- it's awesome that you're finding a routine! will try to upload some music for you as well- although may have to do that from work as this old computer ain't runnin' so well...
take it easy