Watch this space

Yeah, I know. Long time between updates. Trust me, though—you wouldn't have wanted a blow-by-blow of the last two weeks anyway.

The problem, as it turned out, was those damn Japanese lessons. Don't get me wrong, they're great and I plan to keep taking them. But the school's way on the other side of the city, and my one-hour class ends up requiring a total of three hours of travel time. So after going a bit nuts and signing up for three classes a week, my work-o-meter went from "hectic" to "kill me now." Most days, I was crawling out of bed at 7:30am and stumbling back home at 10:00pm, with only a 39-minute lunch break as my free time. And that's about when the entries stopped coming.

Simply put, I had no energy to write anything, no time in which to write, and nothing to write about, assuming you all weren't interested in reading "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" over and over.

But life goes on, and so must this blog. I actually managed to pack a remarkable amount of excitement into my last two days off, and if I hadn't just gotten home at 11:00pm, I'd tell you all about it. Alas, I have an early shift tomorrow, so this entry's all I can manage for now. I think I figured out a way to upload photos, though, so stay tuned, 'kay?

December 30, 2004  //  04:25 PM
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