I try to engage in blog-worthy misadventures each week, but sometimes all I wind up doing is getting a haircut and a new tie, you know what I mean?
Without a doubt, the classiest tie I have ever bought for $10 at a train station.
I mean, as far as ties go, it's pretty unfortunate, but I'd hardly call it a misadventure.
November 12, 2004 // 10:54 AM
October 15, 2003 // 10:12 PM
I prefer for my public to remember me the way I was.
October 17, 2003 // 07:15 AM
speaking of blogworthy events, a friend of mine stumbled across this travel account: http://slate.msn.com/id/2089630/entry/2089645/
perhaps you might find it inspiring?
October 20, 2003 // 06:49 PM
I can't believe you're cheating on me with another blog!
October 21, 2003 // 08:27 PM
he had anime porn - what did you expect? :-P
October 21, 2003 // 10:25 PM
So, of course, what do we get a picture of? The tie.
I mean, nice tie, actually, but who knows what Mike actually looks like these days. The best we get is an artist's conception of an admitted cubist nature. Tsk.