The Department Store of Dr. Moreau

So, I was in Ikebukuro shopping for a sofa-bed for my new place. My new digs are located just minutes away from Seibu and Tobu, Japan's largest and second-largest department stores, respectively. Each one is about the size of an IKEA turned on its side, only they sell a lot more than furniture. Case in point: I was leaving Seibu's kitchenware floor when I saw something one usually does not expect to see in the Japanese equivalent of Nordstrom's. A pet store.

Well, you know the Japanese. They're only interested in tiny, cute pets. You see a lot of Chihuahuas and Welsh Corgis over here. Anyway, there was a large glass display case featuring various Kewpie dogs and cats, and on center-stage was this little guy.

The first successful kitten/mogwai hybrid.

Yes, folks, I can think of no better place for a kitten than a big aquarium in a crowded shopping mall at Christmastime. Can you?

Those eyes are gonna haunt me. I just know it.

December 7, 2004  //  06:20 PM

Posted by Dinah:

That is gonna be one emotionally disturbed cat, I'm tellin' ya.

December 12, 2003  //  09:50 AM

Posted by ted zubeck:

I like the thought of having a pet for a good family. If you got small space then go small pet.. and vice versa.

December 15, 2003  //  06:50 AM
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