A present for you!

It's Leap Day, when anything can happen!

To honor this quadrannual event, I present to you 12 of my most desktop-worthy photos. While most are from last month's Kyoto trip, several are snapshots of nightlife in Ikebukuro, my own little corner of Tokyo.

One of the advantages of owning such a tiny camera is that I can pretty much carry it with me at all times. So, I do. That way, if I happen to walk past something interesting, I can reach into my pocket, click, and keep walking. So, I do.

I hope you like them.

Separation anxiety

Yeah, I'm still here. I got taken out by one of those mid-blog crises that always seem to hit as an online journal nears its one-year mark. Questions swirl around my head like little cartoon stars: "Why am I doing this?" "Does anyone even read this thing?" "Can someone with such lackluster writing really justify churning out so many pages of this stuff?" and the classic "After spending a month documenting the treasures of the Orient, should I really go back to whining about not getting laid?"

I've been taking some time off to work on some other things, mainly finishing a screenplay and furnishing my apartment. And I've been having a surprising amount of fun with my new camera, having snapped over 1000 pictures in the two months since I've had it. (I don't keep more than 5% of them, mind you.)

Anway, I just wanted to drop this short note to let you know what's up. I'll be back in March with a present for you, my loyal readers. (Yes, really, a present!) The weather's finally warming up, and once I settle into my new place, I'll be making more of an effort to get out and about in this megalopolis we call Tokyo, documenting all the while.

Thanks for your continued patronage!

P.S. I never get laid.